Dottie and Norm Hunt, John Tabaczynski, Walter Harrington and Linda Lecuyer met on a dreary, rainy Saturday morning at Joppa Flats Audubon Sanctuary in Newburyport in search of snowy owls. Our efforts were rewarded. We saw a total of 4 in all--3 at Salisbury State Beach and 1 at Plum Island. As you will be able to tell, some members had longer focal length lenses, and it paid off.
After a disappointing start to the day and as we were leaving, Norm spotted a snowy owl sitting on the Salisbury State Beach boardwalk railing--half the distance of earlier spotted specimens.
We spent over an hour shooting at this location.
Then we headed to lunch--our discussions revolved around photography, of course.
Addendum to Snowy Owl Field Trip
One of our newer members, Larry Lief, did not make the field trip due to a miscommunication (MY fault). We did provide info on our sightings and he hit both Plum Island and Salisbury Beach during the week. Check out his images below--shot at close to 900 mm!